I decided that at the beginning of each year, I'd like to select a word.
One word that will encourage me and help me to remember the goals that I've set.
So, a few weeks ago, I decided that my word of 2012 would be "organize".
Sometimes I feel so scatterbrained.
There are so many things that I'd like to accomplish, but I feel that I just don't have enough time.
But I think that half the reason why I don't accomplish what I'd like to,
is because I'm just not organized.
With this main goal of organizing,
I also decided that I'd do separate smaller goals for each month that will help
me to accomplish that main goal of being organized.
{am I making sense?}
One of my main goals for the month of January was to work on the master bedroom.
Lately, it's been majorly disorganized.
Yesterday, the hubby didn't have school, so we tackled the bedroom.
And can I tell you . . . it looks amazing!
It looks like a completely different room.
Before I can show it to you, we need to finish the baseboards, finish the headboard,
and then put things up on the wall.
We've lived here 2 1/2 years and haven't done this yet . . .
I will be organized by the end of this year, I tell ya!
Here are some master bedroom inspirations . . .
{I'm hoping our headboard will resemble the headboard at the top . . . we'll see}