During the summer, I was looking on craigslist for a cute chandelier to hang in our living room. There was a post from an electrician that was selling 3 grey chandeliers for $40 (that's $13.33 each!). He said that they all worked and that he had just taken them out of a house that he was working on. So. . . we trusted him. And we bought them. My husband picked them up for me. When I saw them, I couldn't believe how big they were! (the picture made them all look small!) So, we've had them sitting in our garage for the past 3 months and I decided to finally do something with one of them.
So, I got the spray paint out and primed with 2 coats (Valspar primer). And then spray painted 2 coats of Valspar satin (this probably took me 2 weeks to finish, cause I was being lazy!! But having Thanksgiving guests motivated me.)

And I'm loving the look! I think it makes our living room so elegant. I'm still thinking about whether I should just leave it plain like this or maybe hang a few crystal thingies on it. What do you think? Leave it or dress it up?