Wednesday, June 23, 2010
DIY Obsession: kitchen update

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
DIY Obsession: kitchen cupboards
So . . . the hubby is home for the summer (thank goodness for school breaks) and so we're trying to get all that needs to get done with the house before he starts school in August.
So we have a list.
A crazy list.
Here's our list of things to finish by the middle of August. . . wish us luck. we'll need it.
1. strip and paint kitchen cabinets
2. finish painting kitchen
3. place hardwood floor in kitchen
4. place new carpet in livingroom area and remove weird looking fireplace mantel
5. finish painting master bedroom and bathroom
6. place hardwood floor in master bedroom and bathroom
7. cut and paint baseboards
8. put up baseboards
oohhh. that's a little daunting.
after finishing this, we start on the backyard.
Here's what the kitchen looked like last week. Right now all the cupboards are off and being worked on. Little Ava has been loving it and has found some new toys and snacks. hmmm.
Check back in a month to see the final reveal . . . of the kitchen, that is.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
"Free" Obsession: movies during the summer
Check my cousin's blog to see the other free summer activities she's found. (And while you're at it, check out her adorable parties she puts on for her kiddos. Love them! Thanks Jadi!)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Craft Obsession: Father's Day cloth napkin

1. a cloth napkin
2. material for the tie
3. wonder-under (or anything similar - I bought mine at Joanns)

2. Using the pattern, cut out the material.
3. Following the instructions of wonder-under and attach it to the fabric

4. Iron the fabric/wonder-under onto the cloth napkin (using a damp cloth on top of the material and steam iron)

5. The tie is now attached to the cloth napkin, but to reinforce it, you'll want to just sew a straight line or zigzag stitch around the tie.