Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thrift Store / Home Decor Obsession: frames
"What I'm Loving" Wednesday
Oops. So I was supposed to post this yesterday. . . since it was Wednesday. Just had a crazy day.
One of my favorite fabric designers, besides Amy Butler, is Joel Dewberry. Check out his website here. I love the color combinations and designs.
Wouldn't this fabric make adorable fall dresses? Oh, if I just had the money and didn't already have too much fabric in my stash . . .
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sewing Obsession: pinwheel skirt {refashion}
Anyway, this amazing, talented woman now has an awesome blog. I think she took a sewing class in her last semester in college and since then is the designer Queen! Seriously. Just check out Leanne's blog here. I have a list of projects to sew for myself once I have this baby and loose the baby fat.
One of her latest projects/tutorials was this pinwheel skirt.

When I figure out what to do and finish it, I'll be sure to post it.
Go and check out Leanne's blog, Elle Apparel. You really won't be disappointed!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Photography Obsession: Embrace the Camera - Sept. 23

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
"What I'm Loving" Wednesday

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sweet Tooth Obsession: Caramel Apples

{via Family Fun}
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sewing Obsession: Tank top Toddler Dress

1. tank top or a blouse
2. material and/or coordinating material
3. sewing machine
All I did was measure the circumference of the skirt bottom of one of her 3T dresses and the length of it, so that's how you figure out how much material you'll need (even if you want to make an adult size).

4. Then you'll want to do two basting stitches at the bottom of that fold so that you can gather it. After doing the basting stitches, gather.

5. After gathering the fabric (with it inside out), place around the tank top to figure out how much gathering you need, pin in place (not on the tank top yet), and then sew down the skirt piece, while leaving a 1/2 in. seam allowance. Zig-zag or serge the edges.

6. Now's the time to sew the skirt to the tank top. Your skirt piece should fit around the tank top because you already measured it in the previous step, so all you need to do is pin it around the tank top.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Photography Obsession: Embrace the Camera - Sept. 16