So . . . our little one decided that she wanted to make a Thanksgiving debut (which was fine with me!).
Introducing . . .
Reese Della Smith
Nov. 25, 2010
9:48 a.m.
8 lbs. 11 oz.
20.5 in.

A while back I'd found these free printables through the wonderful land of blogging and saved them on my computer. Well, my world is going to be a slightly bit hectic in the next 2-3 weeks so I thought I'd finally print them out and start using them. The free printables are from Vale Design and can be found here. Aren't they perfect?! So print them out and get organized. (And there are other free printables you should check out too.)
Oh, by the way, I'm almost done with my Christmas shopping. {Don't hate me.} My goal was to have it all done by the time the little one comes so that I can just focus on her, my little cute family, and of course the true meaning of Christmas.
I'm grateful for moments like these - - not the sick part, but being there for her - - even in the middle of the night. I hope that at this young and tender age, she understands and knows how much her mama loves her.
Anyway, I love going through their baby clothes bin. The clothing has never been worn and is usually in perfect condition except for monograms that weren't sewn on correctly, maybe the wrong monogram, or the person who bought it didn't like it and just sent it back. That's where I come in. I buy them and then try to refashion them. I love it.
So, with the cute baby dresses that I do have, I've made fabric rosettes and have hand sewn them on top of the monograms. I think they turned out pretty cute!
This giveaway starts Wednesday, November 10 @ 9:00 p.m. (PST)
and will end on Thursday, November 18 @ 7:00 a.m. (PST)
the winner will be announced Friday, November 19 on this blog. (one winner will be chosen randomly)
Can enter this giveaway three times by:
1. telling me where you love to shop to get great deals (leave a separate entry with name and e-mail)
2. become a follower (leave a separate entry also with name and e-mail and if already a follower, let me know in the comments)
3. post it on your blog (leave a separate entry also with name, e-mail, and blog where you posted)