Monday, August 29, 2011

The Help.

I was so bad at blogging last week.
My sister was in town, so between her, a party, work,
and spending time with my family,
the blog was ignored.
One evening we had a girls night out.
Visited my cousin and her cute, newborn
and then went to the movie, The Help.
I was so excited to see this movie
and I was not dissapointed!
Loved it!
I loved it as much as the book.
I cried, laughed, and cried some more.

And did you know that Kathryn Stockett
received 60 rejections for this book?
After 5 years of writing and 3 1/2 years of rejection,
letter 61 was the one that finally accepted the book.
Talk about perseverance!
{can see more in this article here}


  1. LOVE The HELP! Both the book and movie. Thanks for sharing the article! Very cool.
