Wednesday, October 5, 2011

:: Found on Pinterest - blessing bags

So, I'm bound and determined that Pinterest
will not become a useless addiction, a waste of time, etc.
I will be a better mother, a better wife, a better housekeeper, a better cook,
a better party planner, a better seamstress, a better crafter, a better photographer,
a better organized person, and a better human being
. . . because of Pinterest.
Just you watch.
One of the first pins I pinned was about making "Blessing Bags".
These bags are made and then placed in your car and when you see
someone who needs it, instead of giving them money
{which might aid an addiction}
just give them this bag.
{included are toiletries, water, granola bars, etc}

This is something I think about a lot.
I often go to Palm Springs for my job.
When coming back, I always take a certain exit
and at this exit, there is always a homeless person.
I usually don't have any cash on hand or food,
and so I usually just keep my eyes forward because having eye contact
with them and then not giving them anything is really hard
or I'll smile at them {but then I feel so rude doing that too}.
I do donate money to my church for those who are needy,
but sometimes I feel like I need to help them now {in addition to these donations}.
So, I was so excited to see this idea.
Hopefully, this will help my daughters learn about giving to others
all the time, and not just at Thanksgiving or Christmas.
{I had all these supplies on hand so this didn't cost me a thing}
You can follow me on pinterest here.
And don't forget about the giveaway here!


  1. We support a charity which provides something similar like a personal care pack around Christmas, but I have never heard of a "blessing bag" I think this is an excellent idea. We have chosen to raise our children in the inner city and homelessness is a reality, I am definitely going to put a few of these together.

  2. love this idea last fall I shared a plan for making a food bag for those who are hungry come see me at
