Wednesday, November 2, 2011

2 year Blogoversary!

Today is a pretty special day.
Not only do I get to clean up all the Halloween decor,
do loads of laundry,
mop the floor,
take care of 3 crazy kiddos . . . (we're watching my cousin's little boy for a week),
but it's also this blog's

I knew you'd be so excited too!

I started this blog cause I was obsessed.
Obsessed with decorating our new house.
Obsessed with sewing, baking, spray painting.
Obsessed with photography and thrifting.
Obsessed with my girls.
And I wanted some place where I could document it all.
And so that's how "Our Daily Obsessions" began.

And to tell you the truth, I'm flabergasted that people
 {other than my mom} are still reading this blog.
Just a little flattering.  So thank you! 

So, on Friday I'll be doing a giveaway.
A giveaway {for followers only}
cause I'd like to thank you for sticking with me
and putting up with me and my crazy obsessions.
This giveaway is of items I've made.
{although, if you want some free advertising and would like to give away
an item from your shop, shoot me an email at}

So come back Friday!!!

{and cause I don't like posts without pics,
 here's a cute one of the girls last week at a pumpkin farm.
Reese was not liking it one bit.}


  1. Congrats on 2 years! How exciting! I for one am so glad I stumbled upon your blog! :)

  2. Congrats Babe! you do an awesome job!

  3. Congratulations!! Sorry I missed your giveaway, that is what happens when I don't make time for blog-fun ;) . I've only recently been following you but I love your blog and your style!!
