Tuesday, November 22, 2011

:: Photography - local location gems

One part I love about photography is the location.
I absolutely love searching for places around me that would
be perfect for a photo shoot.
It's a big part of what makes a photo amazing!

The other day I was on a photography blog (photographer lived nearby)
and saw this awesome music barn.
I had to find it.
So I googled it.
And all I found was a scanned old newspaper clipping (1920s).
But on that newspaper clipping they said the street where they'd just moved to.
So, I googled that street,
and talked my photog friend, Kim, into
helping me find it.
So the other day we headed out.
Just a little detective work, that's all.
But we found it and it's a gem!!!

Of course I brought my cute, little model.
But, she was a little camera shy with my friend snapping away.
She wasn't her cheesy self.


Then we found some old train tracks
 (that of course aren't being used anymore).

What awesome locations have you found lately?


  1. I found a great location in my Michigan hometown when I was taking my daughter to the County Fair - old horse barns painted a great blue, but chipping with age. I posted about it here: http://ajennuinelife.blogspot.com/2011/08/learning-photoshop-actions.html

  2. So beautiful!

    This is also one of my fave parts of photography, the whole styling a shoot biz is for me!

  3. I love how finding unique and interesting locations can really elevate a photograph.
