So, I'm obviously into saving some dinero. Who isn't these days. Well, I had discovered some amazing thrift stores in Vegas (where I lived previously) and am currently trying to find equally amazing thrift stores in my new hometown. But here is one of my finds and the story that goes along with it:
Date: August 2009
Where: Goodwill in Las Vegas
As I am walking to the store . . . I see the most amazing back of a mirror. Yes. I said the back of a mirror. I knew at that moment that it was mine. My eyes were huge and my mouth agape. Nobody else could have it. It had to be mine. I knew right where I would place it in our new home. And I was hoping, hoping, hoping that it was in my price range. So I walk into the store non-chalantly and casually walk over to the mirror. I loved it. The front was even better to look at. I could feel my pulse throughout my entire body as I turned the tag over to see what the price was . . . $30. Argghhh. For most people, this is a pretty good deal. But I didn't want to buy it for $30. Wonder if I could talk the salesclerk down. Now . . . you gotta understand that I had just finished reading a book by Richard Paul Evans (the Christmas box guy) titled "The Five Lessons a Millionaire Taught Me" (no laughing allowed). One of the keys was that you've gotta learn the 7 most important words. No. It's not . . . "can I have cheese with that, please". The 7 most important words that a financially, successful person must learn are . . . "is that the best you can do". (now I know you're counting on your hand if that's 7 words. it is. trust me.) So . . . little ole me decided to do some bargaining. Now. For anyone who knows me, you know that me would never walk into a store and start bargaining. That's just not me . . . until now that is. So one of the sales clerks (who appeared to be the store manager) asks me if I need any help. Well, why yes. Yes I do.
me: "I really love that mirror, but don't want to pay that much for it "(okay, so I didn't use the 7 actual words, but this worked just as well.)
sales clerk: " oh. okay. let me see what I can do. " (looks at the price. appears to be thinking. looks at the price again.)
me: (hands fumbling and feeling very nervous and a little stupid . . . I never do this)
sales clerk: "well, we did just bring this out here. and we usually mark down after 3 days of being on the floor. . . . so . . . what about $19.99?"
me: "that sounds perfect. thanks!" (trying to act very casual, but really I wanted to jump up and down and scream hallelujah and maybe give him a little hug or at least a pat on the back! It worked!)
So I took that baby home. And my hubby T was very impressed. Who knew that he had married a wheeler-dealer (for those who don't know that term . . . I just looked up the official definition and it is . . . One who advances one's own interests by canny, aggressive, or unscrupulous behavior.) Yep. That's me. Canny. Aggressive. And unscrupulous.
I know you're all in suspense. And so, without further ado, here is the mirror I found. (I do understand that not everyone has my taste, but I love it!)

I love the details!

(when I came home, I looked on the back . . . it's an Ethan Allen. lucky me.)
I already had a plan for this baby.
First I wiped it down.
Then taped the insides with paper and made sure it was under each crevice so that I wouldn't get spray paint on the mirror.
I then spray painted with a primer.
And then spray painted a few hours later with white spray painted.
Waited 4 hours for it to set and dry.
And then spray painted again. I think my neighbors think I'm

And the finished product . . .

The inspiration for our living room is coming from this picture in this blog.
